Manco Inca A 12

Wimpillay – Cusco

100% Peruvian

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Humantay Lake

Humantay Lake, Humantay Lake, Humantay Lake, Humantay Lake, Humantay Lake, Humantay Lake, Humantay Lake, Humantay Lake, 

Moray Salineras

$120 dollars now

From: $ 110.00

Tour altitude

3900 – 4200
Meters (m.s.n.m.)



suitable 8 years old +

Tour type

private service

hiking & adventure

time on tour

full day

start 4:00am

Humantay Lake

Beautiful turquoise lake surrounded by a wonderful landscape of giant mountains where the Nades mountain range located in Cusco Peru, this lake is located above 4200 meters above sea level, it has sacred waters of very precious colors that vary according to the intensity of the Sun and other factors, these waters are born from the snow-capped mountain that has the same name, Humantay, which makes it even more interesting.

From the road you can also appreciate the Salkantay snow-capped mountain that has become one of the most popular in recent years.  to get to the Humantay lake is not easy, physical effort is required, an hour’s climb on foot, it is optional to take horses.

camina a humantay 1


Although the walk takes an hour, it requires physical effort, if you like to walk this Trek will be easy, at the beginning of the tour you will be able to find local stores to where you can buy water, energy drinks or others.

Humantay lake
Humantay lake

Humantay photos

It depends a lot on the weather to take good photos,  the intensity of the color of the water, also the blue sky and the view of the mountains depend on the sun but even when it is cloudy this place is mysterious and interesting you will enjoy it.

Humantay lake
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