Manco Inca A 12

Wimpillay – Cusco

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Cusco City Tour

Cusco City Tour  Cusco City Tour  Cusco City Tour  Cusco City Tour  Cusco City Tour  Cusco City Tour  Cusco City Tour

Moray Salineras

$55 dollars now

From: $ 50.00

Tour altitude

3340 – 3850
Meters (m.s.n.m.)



suitable 5 years+

tour type

private service

archaeological &cultural

time on tour

8:00 – 13:30 hours
10:30 – 16:00 hours
13:00 – 18.30 hours

Cusco City Tour

Visit the most important places in all of Cusco, such as extremely interesting Inca archaeological centers that will impact to you,  this place was the capital of the Inca culture, viewpoints, temples among others,

We will take you in a tourist transport accompanied by a professional tour guide,  to know each place in the best possible way. We will visit Saqsaywaman, a very interesting archaeological center for its cyclopean-type constructions, where rocks are part of the walls of this temple, Qenqo, Tambomachay, Pucapucara, Qoricancha the temple of the sun and views of Cusco among others

Cusco City Tour


It is a Huaca, a sacred ceremonial place, offerings were made in this place, it already has a time meter to see solstices and equinoxes, when the earth makes a complete turn around the sun, it was time for offerings and a other photo with a baby alpaca.

Cusco City Tour
Cusco City Tour


place where the giant stones of the Inca walls get to reach about 120 tons in weight, it is amazing how they built this temple in honor of lightning and in the other photo pucapucara and landscape

Cusco City Tour
Cusco City Tour

textiles & viewpoints

In terms of typical clothing of the place, it will be a pleasant moment to visit one of the local families to see the work they do to offer tourists this is beautiful and a viewpoint to Cusco in the other photo.

Cusco City Tour
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